Famous Faces
Musicians of the Pythodd
Over the years, the Pythodd Room played host to many famous jazz musicians. Brothers Chuck and Gap Mangione frequented the club, along with the rest of the members of their group.1 Other performers included Gerry Neiwood, Ron Carter of the Miles Davis Quintet, Lionel Hampton, and Richard “Groove” Holmes. Former owner Stanley Thomas, Jr. reportedly recalled an instance in which Stevie Wonder showed up to the club and, “played every instrument in the band,” to prove himself to Thomas, Jr.2 Paul Conley, a former employee of the Pythodd, even recalled the time when Leonard Bernstein, the famed American composer, “walk[ed] in one Sunday afternoon,” and played the piano.
Stanley Thomas, Sr.
Learn more about the Pythodd’s owner, Stanely Thomas, Sr.